Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks for responding. but they depend on different versions of software and whatnot and I don't want to have to go through and try to get everything manually. What I'd really like to do is just extend the elpa repo we already have with these packages. I have a full list of the packages I'll need and their dependencies (copied from their recipes). I want more packages like autocomplete, web mode, etc. version, doing some testing, or youd rather manually install than use a CRAN mirror. One of my coworkers helped me setup a local gnu elpa repo but won't let me mirror the entire Melpa repository for security reasons (won't budge on this). How to Install an R Package using the tar.gz File. On Windows we have internet access (like through the internet browser I'm using now), but on Linux we pretty much can't do anything. We're running Windows on all of our desktops and are connected to Linux servers pretty much exclusively through emacs. tar.gz file listed under downloads/package source to your home directory on hpcc from the hpcc head node (i.e., after logging onto ), run (making sure to include the quotations and syntax as indicated): bsub R CMD INSTALL -l /R/library >& logfile. If I had my way we'd just be running desktop versions of Linux and this wouldn't be a problem - but I don't have my way. I'm going to donate soon and think it'd be a good idea for other people to do so as well. Then uncheck the option “Use secure download method for HTTP”.Hey thanks a lot for your work on Melpa! I really wish I could use it at work. Go To Tools -> Global option -> Packages. Options(repos = c(CRAN = “”)) install.packages(" package name") Solution 2: Use RStudioĬhanging the configuration in R Studio to solve install packages issue. Use below command before using install.packages(“PACKAGE NAME”) Solution: Solution 1: Use R code to solve install.package() Package ‘PACKAGE NAME’ is not available (for R version 3.6.0) Warning in install.packages : So it is still not a very good way of installing R. If you are unable to install packages issue in R Studio, and facing any of the below mentioned error, you have landed on the right page: Warning in install.packages :Ĭannot open URL '' Warning in install.packages : Note: You can not update R-packages installed through r-essentials especially rcurl.